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Plate 421:  Constructing a single-span bridge over the canal, Part 26: actual view toward the northeast from underneath the single-span bridge
(This plate added MAY 2004)

This photo was taken from almost the same position that was occupied by the television camera as seen in Plate 418, and is therefore similar to the monochrome television image seen in Plate 420.

"Why do we bother with that monochrome television system when the digital camera can provide instantaneous high-resolution views in full color?", the Designer asked the Builder, while they were waiting for a late breakfast to be served at the Designer's club.

"Because", replied the Builder,"the television system, although it provides an inferior image to that provided by the digital camera, offers an important advantage, namely, remote instantaneous wireless transmission".

SUBJECT: photo toward northeast from under single-span bridge 
CAMERA: Sony DSC-P92 Cyber-shot
MEDIA:  Sony MSA-64A Memory Stick at 1.2 megapixel resolution
FILE:  JPEG from Sony Image Transfer version 1.00.1015.01
EDITING:  Adobe Photoshop
"The digital camera", continued the Builder, "although it provides excellent color pictures, does not possess the capability of instantaneous wireless transmission. It is true that the digital camera can be cable-attached to a television monitor, thus providing the ability to display pictures upon a convenient television screen. However, those selfsame cable attachments might become a hindrance in the event the digital camera were to be placed into a location where cables might not conveniently reach. Also, our wireless television monitor can receive transmitted images over a range of 300 feet, while the digital camera's television cables are very short."

"Thank you for a precise explanation, which, in fact, anticipates a multitude of exploratory questions that might have been invited by a less cogent commentary," said the Designer.

At this point, further colloquy between the two gentlemen ceased in deference to the appearance of the club's waiter, who had just wheeled up a serving cart with the Designer's order of Mixed-Grain Cereal with Fresh Strawberries, and the Builder's order of Scrambled Eggs, Sausages, Bacon, and Fried Potatoes.

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