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Botanical Drawing at the Landis Arboretum: July 2007

Drawing and painting assignments (yes! we give homework!) give us an opportunity to explore and work our way through the unique structures and features of our botanical subjects, using the classical methods of scientific illustration with pencil, pen, and watercolor.
Although the assignments are not required to be finished by the next session, the exercises are interesting to do, and we have the opportunity to share our discoveries and talk about our experiences.

The Landis Arboretum in Esperance, NY hosts our four-session workshop in the Library and Herbarium. Lectures and demonstrations are given each week covering both botanical and illustration topics.

'It's so nice outside...'
It's so nice outside...
'...and we want to draw this...
...and we want to draw this...
'...but first we got this lecture...
...but first we got this lecture...
'...and have to look at stuff REAL close...
...and we have to look at stuff REAL close...
...and learn all sorts of ways to measure plants for homework...
...and learn all sorts of ways to measure plants for our drawing homework...

(This clever measuring technique is from Raul Rodriguez.)

Here's the fun part — drawing this stuff! Some of us are not too shy to show our work, so wave your mouse over the thumbnails for artist credit; click to see an enlargement.


Artist: Anneliese Conley Artist: Linda Hernick Artist: Anneliese Conley
Artist: Anneliese Conley Artist: Raul Rodriguez Artist: Raul Rodriguez

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